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The best books you never read

I am both a reader and a writer. I find that the best writers are in fact avid readers. I love books of all kinds but I really adore reading new authors who are just getting their feet wet. Some of the very best writers are now found in the indie set. These reviews will be of books I have devoured in my never ending quest for good fiction. Some will be up and comers who have hit the top of the chart, but most will be struggling new writers who deserve a second look.

The Godmother's Web by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

The Godmother's Web - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

This wonderful novel is the third book in this series. Ms Scarborough published the copy I have back in 1998 and it holds up just fine today.


Cindy was feeling ignored and was not sure that her prince charming was the man of her dreams. She takes a job training a horse for a cross country trek. She meets along the way a lot of very interesting people, including Grandmother Webster...or as I quickly come to see, Grandmother Spider.


With a ton of Hopi and Navajo legends and people, this story moves right along. You learn a lot about the cultures in this well researched tale. At the heart it is another of the amazing retold faery tales. This book blends the traditional tales of two native cultures with that of the European.


If you are ready to read an older book about cultures not as commonly told, pick this up. You might have to hunt your local used book store, but it looks like you can get it online!