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The best books you never read

I am both a reader and a writer. I find that the best writers are in fact avid readers. I love books of all kinds but I really adore reading new authors who are just getting their feet wet. Some of the very best writers are now found in the indie set. These reviews will be of books I have devoured in my never ending quest for good fiction. Some will be up and comers who have hit the top of the chart, but most will be struggling new writers who deserve a second look.

The Renegade Hunter

The Renegade Hunter - Lynsay Sands

Yet another great novel from Ms Sands. In this one we have a hunter who has gone rogue do to a murder that he does not remember. Being a good man, he does his best to protect those he can.


Like most of Ms Sands vampire books, we have an interesting woman who doesn't know that the man she is attracted to is more than human. Her take on vampires is interesting, having them descended from Atlantis and their vampirism being caused by nano technology instead of a demon or virus makes for a lighter tale.


I have enjoyed this series quiet a bit. With this novel the only problem i have with it is that is seems to end a few pages too soon. We have a lot of build up and a great tale but there is something missing from it. Still well worth the read but couldn't she give us just a page or three more to fill it in better?